• Fill your pots with compost to approx. 2cm from the top and firm down.
• Place the seed disc on the surface of the compost.
• Cover with a little more compost and water lightly.
• Store in a warm location at an approx. temperature of 18-21°c (65-70°f).
• Sit back and wait for your plants to grow – Couldn’t be easier!
• When seedlings are strong enough to handle (when at 2 leaf stage), transplant into bigger pots to grow on.
• Once all chance of frost has passed the plants can be transplanted in your garden, harden off first.
• Allow 18" (45cm) between plants.
4 x 8cm discs per pack (1 variety per disc)
Disc can be cut to suit pot size.
Very easy to use – pre-spaced seeds (less thinning).
Row width: 18" (45cm)
Support plants when required and feed regularly with a tomato feed.
Cerise / Moneymaker / Tiny Tim: June – October
Roma: August – October