Spicy Salad Sprouts Mixed Seeds

Sale price£0.99


Planting Instructions: (All year round indoors)

  • Put 2 tablespoons of seed into a jam jar and soak in tepid water over night.
  • It’s best to cover the jar with a piece of muslin as it’s easier to drain the water out of the jar.
  • They should be considerably larger the next day, drain the water.
  • Rinse the seeds in fresh water 23 times a day. Store in an airing cupboard until the seeds start to germinate, then move to a light position, keeping out of direct sunlight.
  • Harvest: When the shoots are approx. 2cm (1") long.
  • The seeds can be stored in the fridge in an unsealed plastic bag for 34 days, rinse regularly.
  • Approximately 55 seeds per pack

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