Lobelia & Pansy - Seed Collection

Sale price£1.00


Indoor Planting:
Sprinkle the seeds onto the surface of the soil and press down in trays of moist compost, be careful not to over-water. Store in a warm place at an approx. temperature of 13 - 16˚c (55-60˚f), an airing cupboard is an ideal location.
Ensure that the compost is moist at all times.

Growing On:
When the seedlings are strong enough to handle they can be transplanted into your desired location outside. Be careful when easing the roots out as they can easily be damaged. Do
not overcrowd the plants. Keep the pots in a warm light position, and turn regularly.
Once all chance of frost has passed the plants can be transplanted into your desired location outside.
Harden off first.

Outdoor Planting:
Pansy: April - July
Sow seeds 0.5cm deep direct in flowering location, thin as necessary. Keep moist and weed free. Deadhead the Pansies for an extended flowering period.

Lobelia Crystal Palace
(Lobelia erinus compacta)
One of the most favourite Lobelia’s with vivid deep blue flowers. Will enhance any garden.
Half Hardy Annual. (Ht: 6" / 15cm)

Pansy Red Wing
(Viola wittrockiana)
A striking variety producing large yellow heads with red wings on compact plants.
A fantastic bedding plant.
Annual. (Ht: 6-8" / 15-20cm)

Pansy Mont Blanc
(Viola wittrockiana)
A wonderful bedding and border plant producing stunning large all white heads. Looks amazing in your garden.
Annual. (Ht: 6-8" / 15-20cm)

Lobelia String of Pearls
(Lobelia erinus compacta)
A very popular bedding plant adding a lovely mix of blue, white, pink and violet shades to your garden.
Half Hardy Annual. (Ht: 6" / 15cm)

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