Grow Bag Favourites - Seed Collection

De ReesSKU: GrowBagFavourites

Sale price£1.00


Indoor Planting:
Sow the seeds 1.5mm deep in trays of moist compost, be careful not to over-water. Store in a warm place not in direct sunlight, and ensure the compost is kept moist. It is a good idea to cover with a clear plastic bag until the seeds germinate. Once the seedlings appear, remove the plastic. It is also useful to label the trays for future reference.

Growing On:
When the seedlings are strong enough to handle they can be transplanted into bigger pots or trays. Be careful when easing the roots out as they can easily be damaged. Do not overcrowd the plants. Keep the pots in a warm, light position and turn regularly.
Once all chance of frost has passed the vegetables can be transplanted into growing beds outside. The tomato & pepper plants can be moved to an unheated glasshouse in
April or hardened off and planted out from June.
If using growbags, these usually have enough space for 3 plants. Loosen the compost in the bag and ensure it is evenly spread. Pierce the base for drainage and cut out the pre-marked planting holes. Take out some compost to make room for the plant, be careful not to damage any roots. Water well and watch them grow!

Outdoor Planting:
Tomato / Pepper: Not recommend Courgette: May
Lettuce / Onion: March – April Cucumber: May – June

Sow seeds 1.5cm deep direct in growing beds, keep the soil moist.
For the cucumber and courgette keep 36" (90cm) between rows and thin to 24" (60cm),
for the onion and lettuce keep 12" (30cm) between rows and thin to 4" (10cm).
Tomato – Support plants when needed. Limit each plant to 4-5 trusses and pinch out sideshoots.

Cucumber – Pick fruits regularly and feed well
Courgette – Pick fruits regularly
Pepper – Best grown indoors or under glass
Onion – If storing ensure completely dry first
Lettuce – Ideal for sucessional sowing

Cherry Tomato Cerise
(Lycopersicon lycopersicum)
The smallest variety, producing sweet tasting red tomatoes. Delicious eaten raw or cooked. Very popular with children. (Harvest: June – October)

Cucumber Marketmore (Cucumis sativus)
A popular variety producing smooth, dark green fruits with a great flavour. Perfect for salads.
(Harvest: August – October)

Courgette Black Beauty (Cucurbita pepo)
A popular Courgette producing heavy crops of dark green, tasty fruits. Great for cooking with.
(Harvest: July onwards)

Lettuce All Year Round (Lactuca sativa)
A very popular variety producing medium sized, compact tasty lettuces in spring, summer or autumn. Ideal for successional sowing.
(Harvest: May – July)

Sweet Pepper Californian Wonder
(Capsicum annuum)
A thick pendula sweet pepper. Great to cook with or raw in salads. Continuous flowering over a long period. (Harvest: July onwards)

Onion Rijnsburger (Allium cepa)
A heavy cropping variety producing large globe shaped onions with a good storage life.
(Harvest: August – October)

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