Indoor Planting:
- Sow the seeds 0.5cm deep in trays of moist compost, be careful not to over-water.
- Store in a warm place not in direct sunlight, and ensure the compost is kept moist.
- It is a good idea to cover with a clear plastic bag until the seeds germinate.
- Once the seedlings appear, remove the plastic.
Growing On:
- When the seedlings are strong enough to handle they can be transplanted into bigger pots or trays.
- Be careful when easing the roots out as they can easily be damaged.
- Do not overcrowd the plants. Keep the pots in a warm, light position and turn regularly.
- Once all chance of frost has passed the plants can be transplanted into growing beds outside.
- Harden off first.
Outdoor Planting:
- Sow seeds 0.5cm deep in flowering location, thin to above spacings.
- To prolong flowering deadhead flowers when required.
- Approx 525 seeds per pack